Thursday, December 22, 2011

All graduated (and Merry Christmas)

Well, I'm all graduated now. The ceremony was actually last Friday. Took me a bit to update, as I was busy with work and holiday baking...

I'm probably not going to be doing a whole lot of creative stuff till after the holidays are over. Though I might be making some Christmas cards for people... depends on how ambitious I'm feeling (I've already made dozens upon dozens of cookies! x_x).

Anyway, Happy Holidays to everyone. May they be filled with good times, good food, and good company.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Senior show update

So, got my senior show up. It's not quite how I envisioned it (I only finished two of the six Cuddle Collective books/plush), but oh well. I still like it. It feels a little more... me (scattered but cohesive, har har). Plus I'll have more time to work on stuff after I graduate. There was just too much to deal with this semester (and over the summer).

Anyway, here's a crappy picture taken with my phone's crappy camera:

There you have it. Plain and simple. And though it focuses mostly on the Cuddle Collective, my favorite is the tiny red book on the bottom shelf... Oh, and I'm giving away free buttons featuring my kitty mascot Shima-tan (they're in the mesh container behind my business cards). So there's that, too.

Yey, gradumatating. I can't wait. I'm ready for a nice long rest.